segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2013 27 a 04 nov 2013

God In His People
There's a fountain open, flowing freely everywhere. Just drink till you just can't drink no more. The tree, if it just drink to what it was allotment, why, it would just always, still in the drought. That's what's the matter with the Christians. They don't drink enough. You want to drink till you just spread out and let somebody else see it. See? Push out. Get a testimony. Commit it to God. Believe it. Step out on it. Claim God's promise. Just commit--commit it to God. Believe it. "Commit thy ways unto the Lord." He will bring it to pass whatever you want. But He can't do it until... as long as you're holding it. Say, "Now, I will see if I'm any better, and see if this will work." You commit it to Him; forget about the rest of it. Go testifying of things you don't even see. You believe it. It's not what you see; it's what you believe. It's not what you feel. He never did say, "Did you feel it?" He said, "Did you believe it?" That's how you're saved is by faith. That's how you're healed is by faith. And faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you don't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. You just believe it. Act upon it as though it was. Amen.

God In His People
God doesn't fall upon denominations. God doesn't fall upon mechanical devices. God, the Holy Spirit, fell upon men. Man is God's agent, and the hardest thing that God has ever had to do was to get one mortal to believe another. Do you believe that? They couldn't believe Moses, and God give him two signs to prove to the people that he was sent from God for their deliverance. You believe that? Well, isn't He the same yesterday, today and forever? Do you believe the Angel that talked to him in the burning bush is the Angel of the Covenant? Was that right? All right. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. He's here now. And He does the same things today that He did then. And He still performs wonders and signs. He's a miraculous God. And He always works in a miraculous way with signs and wonders. And He promised them in these last days. And we're living in the last days. We got a right to expect them now (That's right.) to bring His people together.

There's more than a jawbone of a mule laying next to you tonight. That's right. Let's get up and do something about it. Let's forsake these old cots, and stretchers, and wheelchairs, and crutches, and say, "It belongs to the devil. I have no more to do with it." That's right. I claim Jesus Christ's Word's right. Live or die, I'm with it." That's right. Toe the line with Him. Claim your God-given privileges, and the devil hasn't got any privilege. He hasn't got one legal power over any believer. He was stripped and robbed at Calvary. Jesus Christ robbed him of everything he had, and give every believer a checkbook with His Name signed on the bottom. "Whatever you ask in My Name, that I'll do." Your personal property. Dare you to sign your name to any check there or fill it out. "Lord, I need healing in the Name of Jesus Christ." And use that Name of Jesus and stand by it. Hallelujah! The whole bank of heaven will declare it righteousness. That's right. Yours.

Accept God’s Gift
I remember one day when I looked up there and saw what He done for me, I crawled humbly to Him. There laid my name on top of a book, and, oh, what was written under it. I said, "Lord, will you forgive me?" And seemingly, He took His hands, dipped into His side, and said, "Yes." And He wrote across that book, "Pardoned," closed it up, and put it back in the sea of forgetfulness. I've been happy ever since. I'm trying my best in my humble way to tell every mortal on earth: "Jesus Christ loves you, and He's the only thing that's holding the wrath of God off of you. Receive Him as your personal Saviour." And when you've done that, now, He that--was also striped on His back, "with His stripes we are healed," or "we were healed," not we will be, we have already been healed. Every person has been healed. And now, the only thing you have to do, is to believe that first in your heart before you can say it. If you're just saying it from your lips, it won't do you any good.

Go Tell My Disciples
Then when this prophet got in the Spirit, God begin to show him what was going to take place: that there would be Someone Who would take away the sin of the world, and would rise again. He saw the resurrection of the Lord. Then I love that, when I think. He said he stood up. He shook himself. He'd been setting on a ash heap. My, what we call, today, bad luck had hit his home. His children was all killed. His riches was all gone. His health had broken down. Him setting, a Christian, or a believer, setting, forsaken. Man, even his church, had turned their back on him, him setting there, scraping his boils. And then when the Spirit of the Lord come upon him, and he saw the resurrection this morning, you know, he stood up, and he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He will stand on the earth. And though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God; Whom I shall see in my..." He knew he would see Him in the last days, because there would be a resurrection, a general resurrection.

That's the reason tonight, that many of the Christians hasn't got the victory, is because their sins has separated them from the blessing: cut off, out in a desert place alone. And our hearts are hanging on the weeping willow tree, because we can't enjoy the songs of the church. I remember long ago when we used to come in here. They'd be playing "Down At The Cross," on a piano, when the bell was being tolled, and come in, there'd hardly be a dry eye in the church, everybody weeping, slowly, the mellow. I just like the old fashion way: mellow, sweet, power of the Holy Spirit, broke up. Before we can ever make any headway, we got to get broke up first. You know, like the potter, the prophet was going down to the Potter's house, to be broke up to be made over again. And you know, if there's no breaking up, there's no making over again. You have to first be broke up.

I imagine, all night long there was a prayer meeting going on You know, if you're coming to a test... Here it is. That's the trouble with the church today; you rely upon your own senses and ability, instead of taking it to the Lord in prayer. That's right. Today we start to send somebody somewhere, well, you say, we get down and have a little counsel, and meet and say, "We should do this, or go here, or do that." But the Bible, in the days before they sent out the apostles, they met together and fasted and prayed. And the Holy Spirit said, "Separate Me, Paul and Barnabas." The Holy Spirit... You notice, not man's opinion, but the Holy Spirit leading, guiding... Amen. Now, prayer meeting all night, so they had to show what they were made out of. And, brother, every man that professes to be a Christian, sometime or other you got to show what you're made out of. The devil's going to call your hand.

Now, here it is; get it. Sickness, I mean sin, is unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already." Because you steal, lie, smoke, drink, commit adultery, that isn't sin. That's the attributes of sin. You do that because you don't believe. And you are true, and honest, and just, and upright, and holy and respectable, not because that isn't Christianity. You do that... That's just the fruits of Christianity because you believe; it's the attributes of your faith in Christ Jesus and your birth as His Son. Amen. See? A good tree can't bring forth corrupt fruit. A corrupt tree can bring forth... bring forth good fruit. "By their fruits you shall know them." Now, if the Holy Spirit comes into this building tonight, and would declare His Word to be the truth, and you go out disbelieving It, you'd be a sinner. If God tells you what your life has been, and what it will be, and if you know what has been is the truth, and tell you what will be; if you go disbelieve it, worse things than this will come upon you. "Go ye and sin no more."

Now, sin don't mean go out and drink and carry on again. "Go ye and disbelieve no more." Amen. There you are. You know what I find the greatest trouble with the Pentecostal church today is? Positionally they don't know what they are. You're sons and daughters of God. And a lot of times you're looking for something great to come, but you already got that, the greatest can be given you. Now, we are the sons of God, not we will be, we are now. And we're seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, right now. Oh, my. When faith like that gets in the Church, the devil moves away from the Church. For now you have the... Satan hasn't got any legal rights at all over a Christian. Every time a man gets saved, God just writes out a whole big bunch of checks like that, and puts His Name at the bottom, said, "Here they are. Fill them out." Are you scared of it? Fill it out. "Whatever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive it. It'll be given to you."

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