sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2013

Oh, my. We're so indocumated with everything, and so flusterated and afraid. Don't be afraid. The other night I preached on that, "Be Not Afraid. It is I." The only thing that could help them, they were dying, drowning; Satan was going to take them, and they thought He was a spook--a spirit. The only thing you could help them, and that's the way it is today. The only thing that can deliver you from cancer. It's the only thing that can deliver you from heart trouble. Medicine has no remedies for that. The only thing that can help you is the Thing that you're afraid of, afraid it's a spirit of some kind. It is a Spirit, a Holy Spirit, Christ made manifest in our lives. Believe Him now.
Revelation Chapter Four 3
And, God, as I go out yonder in the fields to face the foe, may I realize that I'm garrisoned every hour by prayer. Oh, how I depend on that garrison, the enemy approaching, but know that the garrison holds because mothers and fathers, and boys and girls, and Christians, borned again with the experience, heaven-bound people is on their knees praying, "O God, give deliverance." And, Father, we pray that You'll let us get out into the enemy's lines out yonder, conquer every precious soul that's waiting. Do, Lord; bring them out of darkness into Light. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Abraham’s Covenant Confirmed
And when I can show you in this Bible that He forgives all of our iniquity (O God), heals all of our diseases, let me just take hold of that promise and say, "Father God, I'm weak; I need You. I know You keep Your Word. You're El Shaddai. I'm believing You, Lord. Fill me with Your Spirit. Wash me in Your Blood. Take me back, O Lord, and try me. Let me lean against the bosom. I am Your child; I was born to You but I got weak, but You're my strength Giver. You promised You would do it, and I'm just going to hold right here, Lord, and I'm going to be satisfied that You'll fill me with Your Spirit, wash me in Your Blood, take away all of my condemnation, heal my body and make me well." What a promise it is to confirm His promise to Abraham, "I'm El Shaddai." "Well Brother Branham, I'm a--I'm a prostitute. I'm a--I'm a drunkard. I'm a--I'm an alcoholic. I'm all these oth..." I don't care what you are. Come right up to El Shaddai. If your strength and all hopes is gone, the Alcohol Anonymous has given you up, the doctor's given you up, there's nothing can be done for you, He's El Shaddai, the strong One. Lean upon His bosom and just nurse and be satisfied. He will bring it to pass. Won't you love Him?
Simeon, this great old saint of God, he was a man of great reputation. Oh, today they happen to say, "But wait a minute, sir, I'm a businessman. I'm a doctor. I'm--I'm a professor." You're no better than anybody else. And whenever you think you're better than somebody else, then you're nothing that you ought to be, the Scripture says. See? When you get to a place... You got to... How can you have faith when you're expecting honor one from another? See? You must prefer one another always. That's the life of Christ, to prefer your brother, sister. And if they are wrong, that's all right. You'll never make them any better by kicking them around. Put an arm around and pick him up. I like this old time religion. I'll tell you what it'll do, it'll--it'll make a tuxedo suit set by a pair of overalls, and put their arm around one another, and call each other brother. That's right. It'll make a calico dress and a silk one call one another sister. It sure will: gun barrel straight and sky blue. And it--it'll certainly do it.
Divine Love And Sovereign Grace
Now, what was they doing? Projecting love, Divine love of God. And sovereign grace will have to act in its place. You see it? What happened? God said to Moses, "Tell them to stand still. They... []...?... and I'll show you what My grace is. Just stand still now. Don't be excited. Every footstep of a righteous man is ordered of the Lord." No matter what comes or goes, God orders it. Maybe through trials and it maybe through troubles and tribulations, but as long as God's leading, what difference does it make? Said, "Now, tell them to stand still. They love Me, and they are projecting to Me by proving that they believe Me to step out on My Word, and they believe it. And now they're at the end of the road. Love has taken them as far as it can, so now I will project to them. They projected love to Me. I'll project My Divine grace and power to them." Said, "Tell them that they're at the end; they can't do no more. But they still love Me and they believe Me. So My grace will work now in this case." It'll work tonight in your case. It'll work in every case. Watch Him.
And, notice, she wasn't selfish. When God heard her, and answered her prayer and gave her a son, she gave him back to God. And because that she was willing not to be selfish after God had answered her prayer, He gave her a prophet. Oh, that was a extra blessing. Oh, He's just full of them, those little extra things that He gives. Not only a son, but a prophet. And there had been no open vision for many, many years, in Israel. Samuel, the first prophet, for many, many years, because a mother got desperate; that she could have no children, and she was past the age of bearing, probably sixty, seventy years old. And she prayed with desperation, she must have this child! What was it? God had spoke to her, no doubt. You can't be desperate till God speaks to you. Oh, Church, rise and shake yourself! Pinch your conscience, wake yourself up, in this hour! We must be desperate, or perish! There is coming forth something from the Lord! I know it as THUS SAITH THE LORD. There is coming forth something, and we better get desperate. It's between Life and death. It'll pass through us and we won't see it.
To the world, It's a bunch of foolishness. But, to God, It's the only way. The only thing that He requires is that Token. It must be there. And you cannot have the Token until the fare is paid, then you are a possessor of the Token which gives you the--the privilege of a free pass. "I'll see the Blood, I'll pass over you." What a time, that, what a privilege, to know that you pack, within you, the Pass. "When I see the Blood, I'll pass over you." It's the only thing that He'll recognize. It's nothing else that can take Its place; no substitute, no denomination, no nothing else. It takes That. God said, "That alone will I see."
The Message To The Laodicean Church
And I'm kindly thinking this, that many times the church in it's looseness gets to doing things, and thinking things, and--and taking things just as they are, when we ought to weigh what we do and say. We ought to think it over before we speak it. My old southern mammy used to tell me, "Think twice and speak once." It's the little things, sometimes, that we leave undone, that means so much to us. We get in such a hurry to race over things in this neurotic age that we live in. It would behoove us, as the church of God tonight, to stop and wait a minute, see where we're at.
The Deity Of Jesus Christ
And that same power, that same Christ... Hallelujah. Let the fundamentalists, let them people who deny the power of God say it's wrong; but that same power that spoke the world into existence is in those people that's got the Holy Ghost. That's right. Men and women, it's time that we found out who you are. The devil's trying to hide you back, tell you that you're some little trod-down something. You're not. You're sons and daughters of God. The Deity is not in heaven; it's in you. Hallelujah. I know you think I'm crazy, but let me tell you something, brother. When you realize that Almighty God lives in you, Immortal Life. "My Life, I give Zoe," the Life of God is in the human being.
Believest Thou This
His birth, when Jesus was born on earth, He had a black mark to begin with. He was always received by the common people, and scorned mostly by the--the religious sect of the people in them days, and--and of the great ritzy and high minded people. And it's just about that way today too. It's the same. Not as I'm trying to say that rich or ritzy people cannot be saved; they can, if they'll humble themselves and come like the rest of us. But we must all come in one way: that's come, knowing that we are nothing and He's all; and being willing to surrender ourselves to Him in order to receive benefits from Him. If you ever get anything from God, you have to humble yourself and become nothing before Him, and know nothing, but one purpose; that is, you're trying to find Jesus. Then when you humble yourself down, God will exalt. But when you exalt yourself, God will see that you are brought to abase. That's right. He said so in His Word.
Let's just think. I can see Gabriel come down, His great sword standing by His side. I can see Woodworm. I can see the other great Angels lighting on the rocks around. What was it? A conference table being set. Then that Holy Spirit of God, as we see on the picture of Gethsemane, that Light, which God is Light, El Elohim, the self-existing One, when He came down into His Presence. "Do you want to go through with this, Son?" What? The Angels are listening. "What's going to be the result? The whole world lays upon Your shoulder. Do You want to pay the price, or what do You want to do? You can come right on now without death. There lays Calvary before you. There they'll spit in Your face, and they'll take You to Calvary, all these things. You'll die in agony with the crown of thorns on Your head, and Your Blood will drain out. Are You willing?" Let's see what the conference. What the echo's going to be? All Angels are standing around wondering what takes place now. The decision's made. What is it? "Not My will but Thine be done." Oh the Angels unfolded their blessings and begin to minister to Him then, preparing Him for that great hour. A conference was set. A decision was made. I'm so glad of that decision.
The Serpent’s Seed
Which is the strongest, (I've said,) a Saviour or sinner? Which has got the most strength? Then the stronger had to permit the lesser. And He only does it for His glory. When He made Lucifer, He knowed he would be the devil. And He had to let it be there to show that He was the Saviour, the Christ. He had to let it happen that way. Now, don't the Bible say all things work together for good to them that love God? So what are you scared about? Let us be up and doing with a heart for any strife. Be not like dumb driven cattle, had to be begged and persuaded and... Be a hero. I like that. Stand up.
The Faith Of Abraham
I can hear all the Old Testament saints say, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up, and let the King of glory come in." I can hear the Angels sing from back over there, "Who is this King of glory?" They said, "The Lord of hosts, mighty in battle." That's Him, God, Jehovah-jireh. How's the gates going to open? The button pressed, and the pearly gates swung open; here come Jesus, led captives captive. Here He comes down as the Conqueror, walking down through the cities of the new heavens, and walked up in front of the Father, and said, "Father, here they are. They all died under good faith, under the sacrifice of the lamb, but I present them to You." "Well done. Come up here and set down on my right hand, for I'm going to send the Holy Ghost back down. And You set there until every enemy is made Your footstool." Glory to God. We look for Him to come again someday in glory. And those who are in the dust of the earth shall rise and be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, and be made liken unto His... "They shall possess the gates of the enemy."
A Man Running From The Presence Of The Lord
And in this poetry, just watch how it come to pass. Setting there, a little old kid with a borrowed sheet of paper, I said: I am lonesome, oh, so lonesome for that far away southwest, Where the shadows fall the deepest over the mountain crest. I can see a lurking coyote all around the purple haze; I can hear a lobo hollering down where the longhorns graze. And somewhere up a canyon I can hear a lion whine, In that far off Catalina Mountains at the Arizona line. Forty years later, I'm setting right there at that canyon, that lion looking me in the face. O God, there's a Land beyond the river somewhere, friends. It's just... It's got to be there. See? There's--there's too much speaking of it. All these things are not just myths; they are... They are real. They are realities. I'm so glad to be here tonight, to be with these people that I'm expecting to live over There forever with, where there'll be no more sickness, or death, or separations. And travel will be nothing to us then.
Dedication Of Building To The Lord
No wonder the church natural today can't believe in miracles. They've never come into the miracle working place where they're at rest with God. There's where Aaron's rod budded, something that was dead. An old dry stick off the desert in that holiest of holies took new life, and bloomed blooms, and sprouted out, and brought leaves. How? It was laying in the holiest of holies. You can take a dead sinner, rotten, carnal in his mind and in his thinking a criticizer of the power of God, and bring him into the Presence of the Holy Ghost, there'll be something happen to him. Sure. Entering into that lonely place with God... "He dwells," says Moses in the next chapter, "in the thickness of the darkness." That's where God dwells. That's where life stays. Is in the midst of the rotten corruption. Where does the life stay? In the seed after it's rotten. When it dies to itself it brings forth a new life. Where does God stay? He will stay with you if you're ready to die out to yourself and give Him a chance: service: body. intellectual: spirit, thoughts; and soul, your faith in God: three room house.

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